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Smart Workplace

E ink Display For Workplace

With the integration of Internet, IoT, and digitization technologies, the application of advanced e-paper technology in the office field reduces paper consumption and saves energy, meanwhile decreases a lot of resource, time and operating costs for enterprises.

Product Applications


Display who you are

The employee ID badge clearly showcases employee office infomation including name, phone number, position, etc. This also helps to building an environment-friendly profile for your enterprise.


Used as a access card 

Carrying too many cards in workspace sometimes is really a nuisance. But employees won’t feel bothered with this card! They can customize the versatile badge as an (security) access card or more functions in work.


Meeting schedules display

People may forget the meetings they are going to out of intensive schedules. This card can help, by clearly displaying meeting schedules and time. Know the meeting information just at a glance and greatly avoid missing important meetings.


Attendance management 

By integrating employee cards into company attendance system, the HR department can record employee attendance automatically by connecting badges to cloud. Help reduce human interference and further improve attendance accuracy.  


Check meeting room at a glance

The digital doorplate shows some improtant information about the room. Customize the information you want to display, including the room name, meeting schedules, room avalibility, avalibitly time and more. To know the room information just at a glance.


Make meeting schedules, easier and more organized

Organized and clear meeting schedules prove an impetus on improving workplace productivity. They makes it easier to reserve or cancel a room, without wasting a minute, and space-for everyone can clearly see when a room becomes available. The digital signage outside the room helps resolve conflicts for space while improving efficiency in workplace.

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